LG GW990 first Intel-Based Smartphone

If as planned, LG GW990 should be the first Intel processor-based smartphone, released to the market. Prototype was introduced at Mobile World Congress 2010 in Barcelona, Spain a few months ago.

However, news of the cancellation of blowing smartphone manufactured South Korean electronics company that. The news was not confirmed, but technology site reported Phone Arena, the source of new GW990 LG LG states and not necessarily the standard concept of mass production.

Pity indeed if LG GW990 failed to be created. The reason is quite sophisticated smartphone can even say half a tablet with a 4.8-inch touch screen and a resolution of 1024x480 pixels, multi-window UI, 3D gaming, HSPA, and 5 MP camera. Moorestown platform processors using the newly launched Intel, Tuesday (05/04/2010) as a series Z6xx. When introduced in Barcelona, LG said GW990 will use an operating system made by Intel's Moblin 2.1.

However, Intel and Nokia membuiat belakanagn agreement to melebut berbaisis open source development platform both. Intel and Nokia Maemo Moblin merged into the new platform, named MeeGo. So far, the release schedule MeeGo unclear. Maemo is already in use on the Nokia tablet device and the latest in smartphone Nokia N900. Moblin himself killed before use.

Is LG LG produces persisted with Moblin GW990, backward, or have a new plan with MeeGo? We'll see.