Android 2 2 already

Android 2.2android 2 2 already in testing, new features highlighted hackedlabs posts eclipse helios downloads eclipse classycle plugin gone gradle and php gradle announce plugin hiccups first gradle step atlassian eclipse jira plugin. Sprint denies "android 2.2" on samsung moment and htc hero what sprint giveth, sprint can taketh away today, we reported that sprint confirmed the htc evo 4g will be upgraded to android 2 2.

Android 2.2 is here

Like built-in tethering and Wi-Fi hotspot powers

It's hard to accurately gauge that for a couple of reasons—we've been using a pre-release build of Froyo, so things will probably get better before the final, and we didn't install any apps, at the behest of Adobe, since we were testing Flash 10.1 on this unit—but Google promises 2x-5x faster thanks to a just in time compiler.

Android 2.2 Froyo
fastened its seat belts to server cold Froyo for their aim to fix the European HTC Desire owners.
So here it is Android 2.2 Froyo update for the HTC desire will improve things like 720p video recording that we also discussed earlier and iTunes syncing, Caller ID and a multi-language keyboard.

HTC has made it very clear that they are going to roll out the "Android 2.2"(Froyo) to the phones HTC Desire, HTC Droid Incredible and HTC Evo 4G